NZAC 50th Anniversary Conference | Whakanuia ki muri, kia anga whakamua

3 Sep 9:00am – 4 Sep 4:30pm 2024 NZST

Shed 6, Shed 6 Queens Wharf, Wellington Central, Wellington, New Zealand Map

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Whakanuia ki muri, kia anga whakamua |Celebrating the past to move forward

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei wānanga! Talofa, Malo e lelei, Kumusta, Namaste, Assalam ale kum, Anyung, Nihao, Konichiwa, Ola!

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of NZAC and a special conference Whakanuia ki muri, kia anga whakamua. Develop your knowledge and understanding of topics that will benefit your practice; network with other members, speakers, politicians, and NZAC staff and contribute to powerful conversations about the future of counsellors in Aotearoa.

Please note that tickets for one-day passes are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

You can choose the sessions you would like to attend on the day.

Make sure you check out our
NZAC Accomodation and Travel guide, you will find information about the venue address, parking, nearby hotels, dining options, convenient parking facilities, and transportation details:

NZAC accommodation and travel information.pdf 107 KB

Booking details

Ticket type

Prices are in NZD and exclude GST.

Who’s this ticket for?

e.g. dietary (gluten intolerant, vegetarian, etc) or other requirements

Do you have any dietary requirements or allergies?

Do you have any accessibility requirements you'd like us to be aware of?

Would you like to join us for the celebratory dinner on the 3rd of September? Tickets are $60.00 and sold separately

Are you planning on attending the Rainbow caucus hui at 7:00am on 4th September at Shed 6?

Contact the event organiser